Sunday, January 27, 2013

More than just breakfast

 The electric griddle is what most cooks in a restaurant call the grill.

 As a cook at the Kettle (if you have never eaten had a Kettle, it's like a Denny's or IHOP only better), most of the orders I prepare on and electric griddle are for breakfast items, but we do run a full menu 24 hours a day, that includes lunch and dinner items as well.

 Most people do not know that you can cook almost anything on and electric griddle. People order steaks, porkchops, fish fillets, hamburgers and grilled sandwiches all the time.

 I have my own electric griddle at home and cook almost everything on it, that's when I can be creative and try new things that are not on the menu at work. I have come up with several new ideas which include modifications of some of the menu items from work and ideas from everywhere else including things like Asian stirfry dishes, sautéing vegetables, browning Fujita meat and making hot sandwiches of all kinds.

 So although the number of good breakfast items that can be cooked on an electric griddle is almost endless, and a good cook with some experience will never run out of new ideas for just breakfast items, your electric grill is not in any way limited to the idea of pancakes, bacon and eggs.


  1. ya its real I have been cooking not only breakfast but also dinner and lunch in my griddles.

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